Certificates List

This database includes a list of all products certified by the ICNN from its notification by the French government in October 1996 as part of the recreational craft directive 94/25/CE and its amendment 2003/44 / CE.

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1521 certificates

Module Certificate Number Type Extensions Boat model Trade Dockyard Directive Date of certificate
B 11-0019 VT NEEL 45 NEEL 2003/44 12/12/2011
AA 11-0025 MM CANNOT 32 ARCOA 2003/44 14/12/2011
AA 11-0026 P 680 RIB UM HB SILLINGER 2003/44 16/01/2012
B 11-0030 VM SENSE 55 SPBI 2003/44 10/02/2012
AA 11-0027 P 1200 RIB UM IB SILLINGER 2003/44 14/02/2012
B 11-0014 MM BARRACUDA 9 SPBI 2003/44 20/02/2012
AA 12-0005 VM BI-LOUP 26 WRIGHTON 2003/44 21/02/2012
B 10-0003 VC ALIBI 54 ALIBI 2003/44 28/02/2012
B 11-0032 VM DUFOUR 36 PERFORMANCE DUFOUR YACHTS 2003/44 28/02/2012
AA 12-0006 VM MC 34 Patton MARSAUDON COMPOSITE 2003/44 01/03/2012
AA 10-0031 MM TENDERFISH 28 (Cat. B) BLACK PEPPER 2003/44 06/03/2012
AA 11-0011 VM Code 0 BLACK PEPPER 2003/44 06/03/2012
AA 12-0002 VM LAMA 36 / YLAMA CN DES MINIMES 2003/44 14/03/2012
AA 11-0028 MM ANTIOCHE 6.45 FISHING GUYMARINE 2003/44 22/03/2012
AA 12-0009 MM GP 700 M GOSSELIN 2003/44 27/03/2012
B 12-0021 VM ALLURES 39,9 ALLURES YACHTING 2003/44 29/03/2012
B 12-0011 VM JEANNEAU SUN ODYSSEY 41 DS SPBI 2003/44 03/04/2012
B 11-0033 VM ALUBAT 58 ALUBAT 2003/44 28/04/2012
AA 12-0012 P CD 8000 CD CONCEPT 2003/44 04/05/2012
AA 12-0014 P SRR 870 CABINE ZODIAC 2003/44 11/05/2012


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