Certificates List

This database includes a list of all products certified by the ICNN from its notification by the French government in October 1996 as part of the recreational craft directive 94/25/CE and its amendment 2003/44 / CE.

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1521 certificates

Module Certificate Number Type Extensions Boat model Trade Dockyard Directive Date of certificate
A 96-0002 P CADET 310 S ZODIAC 94/25 10/10/1996
A 96-0010 P MK II FUTURA ZODIAC 94/25 10/10/1996
A 96-0018 P YL 310 R ZODIAC 94/25 10/10/1996
A 96-0026 P PRO II 420 ZODIAC 94/25 20/10/1996
C 03-0033 V CHALOUPE SARDINIERE CN DE LA BAIE 94/25 26/06/2003
A 03-0041 M ANTARES 10.80 PRO CNB NOIRMOUTIER 94/25 02/12/2003
A 04-0005 M WINNER 800 ULTRAMAR 94/25 24/03/2004
A 04-0013 M ARCOA 38 ACM 94/25 03/05/2004
A 98-0234 M BARJET 4.50 POLYOUEST COMPOSITES 94/25 19/01/1998
A 98-0242 V MYSTERE 5.5 KU MYSTERE 94/25 11/01/1999
A 99-0002 M TAYLOR 426 FIBRESPORT 94/25 05/03/1999
B 99-0011 V SPRINT 50 ARCHAMBAULT 94/25 30/04/1999
A 99-0011 V SUN FAST 40 QUILLARD JEANNEAU 94/25 04/03/1999
B 99-0021 M 2100 YACHT GUY COUACH 94/25 19/10/1999
A 99-0020 M HAPPY 485 MARINE LOISIRS SERVICE 94/25 09/03/1999
B 99-0029 C LAGOON 67 JEANNEAU 94/25 02/11/1999
A 99-0028 V PRO 650 OPEN ZODIAC 94/25 19/03/1999
B 01-0009 V GIB SEA 51 DUFOUR 94/25 13/06/2001
B 02-0001 V OCEANIS 42 CC BENETEAU 94/25 04/03/2002
B 02-0010 V JFA 53 DS JFA 94/25 28/06/2002


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