Certificates List

This database includes a list of all products certified by the ICNN from its notification by the French government in October 1996 as part of the recreational craft directive 94/25/CE and its amendment 2003/44 / CE.

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1521 certificates

Module Certificate Number Type Extensions Boat model Trade Dockyard Directive Date of certificate
A 96-0019 P YL 340 R ZODIAC 94/25 10/10/1996
A 03-0028 V RM 980 MV2L 94/25 07/07/2003
A 03-0044 M OCQUETEAU 835 FLY OCQUETEAU 94/25 16/12/2003
A 98-0155 P 470 UM SILLINGER 94/25 06/08/1998
C 04-0037 M KURUNIG 530 Console BIHORE 94/25 05/11/2004
AA 12-0014 P SRR 870 CABINE ZODIAC 2003/44 11/05/2012
A 98-0171 P 630 RIB UM SILLINGER 94/25 06/08/1998
A 05-0010 V SPIRIADE 40 M. COURCOUX 94/25 24/03/2005
AA 13-0001 MM ROCABAR TRIMARINE 2003/44 13/05/2013
A 97-0088 V SO 36.2 JEANNEAU 94/25 13/11/1997
A 01-0055 M ESPADON 765 BPSA 94/25 31/07/2001
A 97-0104 M ANTIOCHE 700 GUYMARINE 94/25 19/11/1997
A 01-0071 M PYLA 700 SUN DECK CN DES PRES SALES 94/25 14/09/2001
A 99-0040 M STIP 46 ESPACE YAM MARINE 94/25 31/03/1999
B 13-0026 MM BENETEAU FLYER 6 SPORT DECK SPBI 2003/44 10/02/2014
A 99-0060 V DIAM 18 ADH INOTEC 94/25 25/03/1999
AA 08-0023 P GENERATION 430 WALKER BAY 2003/44 29/09/2008
B 03-0006 V DUFOUR 44 DUFOUR 94/25 15/04/2003
AA 08-0041 VM 2 WIN TWINER 2003/44 27/11/2008
B 04-0003 C LAGOON 440 CNB 94/25 02/04/2004


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