Certificates List

This database includes a list of all products certified by the ICNN from its notification by the French government in October 1996 as part of the recreational craft directive 94/25/CE and its amendment 2003/44 / CE.

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1521 certificates

Module Certificate Number Type Extensions Boat model Trade Dockyard Directive Date of certificate
B 98-0023 V J 120 J COMPOSITE 94/25 09/11/1998
A 98-0225 M ANTIOCHE 600 GUYMARINE 94/25 05/11/1998
A 98-0226 M EURO FISH 520 DC SBPEM 94/25 05/11/1998
A 98-0227 M EURO FISH 520 TIMON SBPEM 94/25 05/11/1998
A 98-0200 V RM 1050 BIQUILLE SYSBA 94/25 30/10/1998
A 98-0219 V FLYER 5.60 OPEN BENETEAU 94/25 30/10/1998
A 98-0221 V PYTHEAS SCOTTO 94/25 29/10/1998
B 98-0015 V ATOLL 43 DUFOUR 94/25 26/10/1998
B 98-0022 V FEELING 416 KIRIE 94/25 12/10/1998
A 98-0214 V TURBO 1100 MULTI NAUTIQUE 94/25 08/10/1998
A 98-0216 V SO 40 Q JEANNEAU 94/25 07/10/1998
A 98-0217 M YOLE PRO CHEVILLET 94/25 07/10/1998
A 98-0205 M WHITE SHARK 215 i KELT 94/25 01/10/1998
A 98-0222 M WHITE SHARK 215 KELT 94/25 01/10/1998
A 98-0213 V COCO ARCHAMBAULT 94/25 30/09/1998
A 98-0211 M ANTARES 6 BENETEAU 94/25 23/09/1998
A 98-0224 M GP 630 GOSSELIN 94/25 22/09/1998
A 98-0218 M BEACHER 840 NAUTIC SERVICE 94/25 18/09/1998
A 98-0206 M GP 620 GOSSELIN 94/25 16/09/1998
A 98-0209 M PECHEUR 440 JOUANDOUDET 94/25 16/09/1998


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