Certificates List

This database includes a list of all products certified by the ICNN from its notification by the French government in October 1996 as part of the recreational craft directive 94/25/CE and its amendment 2003/44 / CE.

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1521 certificates

Module Certificate Number Type Extensions Boat model Trade Dockyard Directive Date of certificate
B 07-0022 VM GARCIA 70 GARCIA 2003/44 29/06/2007
B 07-0021 VC ORANA 44 FOUNTAINE PAJOT 2003/44 28/06/2007
B 07-0014 VM OVNI 495 ALUBAT 2003/44 25/06/2007
B 07-0018 VM AZZURO 53 ALLIAGE 2003/44 08/06/2007
B 07-0019 VM ALLIAGE 56 ALLIAGE 2003/44 08/06/2007
B 07-0025 VM BENETEAU 43 BENETEAU USA 2003/44 07/06/2007
B 07-0011 VC SALINA 48 FOUNTAINE PAJOT 2003/44 06/06/2007
B 07-0017 VC BANANA 43 PROMETA BOAT SYSTEM 2003/44 05/06/2007
AA 07-0013 MM INTREPIDE AASM 2003/44 23/05/2007
AA 07-0012 MM ANTIOCHE 650 HB GUYMARINE 2003/44 26/04/2007
B 07-0012 VM DUFOUR 485 DUFOUR YACHTS 2003/44 18/04/2007
AA 07-0011 VM SPHINX 33 / PARSIFAL LOBRICHON 2003/44 17/04/2007
B 07-0010 VM HARMONY 52 BIS 2003/44 10/04/2007
AA 07-0009 VT TRIPTYQUE 26 ACCN TRIPTYQUE 2003/44 30/03/2007
AA 06-0028 VM J 100 J EUROPE 2003/44 23/03/2007
AA 07-0007 MM MONTE CARLO 37 BENETEAU 2003/44 23/03/2007
B 07-0008 VC YAPLUKA 62 YACHTS INDUSTRIE 2003/44 13/03/2007
B 07-0002 VM DUFOUR 425 DUFOUR YACHTS 2003/44 12/02/2007
AA 07-0006 P SEA HAWK 285 KELT 2003/44 12/02/2007
AA 07-0005 MM TL 85 - TT 85 TRESCO 2003/44 08/02/2007


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