Certificates List

This database includes a list of all products certified by the ICNN from its notification by the French government in October 1996 as part of the recreational craft directive 94/25/CE and its amendment 2003/44 / CE.

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1521 certificates

Module Certificate Number Type Extensions Boat model Trade Dockyard Directive Date of certificate
B 06-0011 VC LAGOON 420 CNB 2003/44 01/08/2006
A 02-0070 M ANTARES SERIE 9 PRO CNB 94/25 19/11/2002
B 04-0003 C LAGOON 440 CNB 94/25 02/04/2004
B 10-0007 VC LAGOON 560 CNB 2003/44 09/08/2010
AA 09-0005 VC LAGOON 400 CNB 2003/44 20/03/2009
A 03-0041 M ANTARES 10.80 PRO CNB NOIRMOUTIER 94/25 02/12/2003
A 97-0091 M ORKA 545 OPEN CNDB 94/25 05/11/1997
A 97-0092 M ORKA 545 CABIN CNDB 94/25 26/05/1998
A 00-0060 M OPEN 2000 CNI 94/25 11/07/2000
A 01-0043 M CNMDB 690 CNMDB 94/25 21/06/2001
B 06-0003 VM CW 45 COMPOSTES WORKS 2003/44 19/05/2006
A 06-0027 PM ESPADON 850 DIVING HB CONSTRUCTIONS AZAIEZ 2003/44 29/06/2006
A 06-0016 MM ESPADON 850 DIVING IB CONSTRUCTIONS AZAIEZ 2003/44 29/06/2006
A 03-0006 V RAGE 14 COPAERO 94/25 25/02/2003
A 02-0043 M DRAKKAR 5,75 CORRON 94/25 04/07/2002
A 01-0019 M TARPON 37 CPC 94/25 09/04/2001
AA 06-0031 MM ARCONIE 19 Non Rapid. Autovideur CTI PRODUCTION 2003/44 13/07/2006
AA 06-0024 MM ARCONIE 19 CTI PRODUCTION 2003/44 22/06/2006
B 99-0010 M CT 1206 CUSTOM TENDER 94/25 24/04/1999
A 98-0058 P SP 670 DAYFER 94/25 25/05/1998


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